Our solutions lead to significant improvements in daily processes and noticeable simplifications for all persons involved. The concrete benefit plays the decisive role.
This benefit is influenced by direct and indirect factors. Some effects are immediately measurable, others unfold their full effect only in the interaction of numerous factors.
The challenges in packaging are so diverse and different that generally valid statements can only be made roughly in advance.
For a first impression of the effects of our solutions, you will find an online calculator here. You can use the sliders to simulate different scenarios. We can obtain concrete figures for your project during the joint development and implementation of your solution.
Does that sound familiar to you? The use of software in companies increases the complexity for the people who work with this software. Why? Because it is usually assumed that there are standardized circumstances that are rarely present in the real world.
We take a different approach. Our Open Collaboration Solutions are always a combination of consulting and our software product Loom. Every requirement is different. Accordingly, cooperation does not begin with a standardized software demonstration, but with getting to know your individual situation.
Typically, a mutual project is divided into three sections:
In einem gemeinsamen Workshop ermitteln wir mit Ihren Experten den Bedarf und finden die Punkte, die Ihnen den größten Nutzen bringen.
Auf Basis der Erkenntnisse aus der Bedarfsanalyse entwickeln wir Ihr individuelles Lösungs-Szenario, für das Sie sich entscheiden dürfen, aber nicht müsssen.
Nach der Detailplanung erfolgt die zügige Umsetzung Ihrer Lösung. Und auch nach der Übergabe bleiben wir an Ihrer Seite.
Please feel free to contact us and let us find out how we can work together to find an excellent solution for you.