Brand Owner

A market leader in the FMCG segment was looking for a solution to streamline all the processes associated with artwork development through to print production. An essential requirement was the digitization of extensive coordination and approval scenarios for various types of packaging: Labels, lids, folding boxes, sleeves, wrappers, etc.

Faster and safer by at least 50 percent. Both the processing time of process steps and the traceability or transparency of activities are an enormous gain for those involved in the process.

Implementation Details

• Integration of all departments involved in the development and production of packaging artworks

• Standardization of project handling with technical suppliers

• Definition of individual views for different user groups for comfortable use: own tasks, status information, specific project information, etc.

• Creation of dynamic PDF forms from the database as a replacement for manually created Office documents.

• Detailed reporting, automated versioning and storage of documents and artwork data

• Definition of user roles and user groups, thus precise control of visibility and editing rights within the processes

• Unification of communication via the solution: identical content structure of e-mail notifications

  • Lösungs-Überblick

    • Abbildung sämtlicher Prozesse vom Design-Briefing bis zur Druckproduktion
    • Integration einer Softproof-Lösung zur zentralen Online-Abstimmung von Artworks mit automatisiertem Versions-Vergleich
    • Abbildung umfangreicher und mehrstufiger Abstimmungs- und Freigabeumläufe für Artworks und Druckdaten
    • Automatische Erzeugung und Validierung von GTINs
    • Geschützter Zugang für externe Partner ohne eigenen System-Login über Browser-Formulare zum Upload von Dokumenten mit automatischer Zuordnung der Daten