Display Manufacturer

In addition to the challenges caused by different printing and manufacturing processes for the individual components, the production of POS displays also involves a large number of complex planning, coordination and control tasks.

This example shows our implementation of a central solution for a display manufacturer with several production sites, which previously allowed time-consuming manual activities to be transferred into automated and resource-saving processes.

Since we have been using Loom, the platform has quickly become an important part of our daily work and makes the whole process even more secure. The speedy and uncomplicated implementation of further adjustments makes life much easier for us.

Not only do we save time, but the quality of collaboration with our customers and other stakeholders has also improved.

Implementation Details

• Integration of templates for creating display components: The solution automatically creates all content, including associated PDF documents with CAD data that previously had to be entered manually, and makes it available to all parties involved.

• Wizard for the simple relaunch of displays: Selection of desired elements by mouse click with automatic versioning

• Reporting module: Creation of several report templates, possibility of creating any number of individual report templates by the customer

• Module for price adjustments: automated system-wide updating of prices for production and packaging

• Exact mapping and automation of established operational processes

• Definition of user roles and user groups, thus precise control of visibility and editing rights within the processes

• Unification of communication via the solution: identical content structure of e-mail notifications

  • Lösungs-Überblick

    • Das Display-Portal steuert die wesentlichen Prozesse bei der Entwicklung, Abstimmung und Freigabe von POS-Displays mit allen zugehörigen Komponenten.
    • Alle beteiligten Personen beim Display-Hersteller, seinem Kunden und bei den Logistik-Partnern arbeiten in der zentralen Lösung und haben permanenten Zugriff auf alle relevanten Informationen.
    • Die Lösung erzeugt die Daten, die zur Produktionsplanung für mehrere Standorte des Display-Herstellers dienen.
    • Nach dem Erreichen des Nutzungsendes (EOL) der Displays werden alle Daten strukturiert in der Lösung archiviert und stehen z.B. für Recherchen oder Relaunch-Projekte zur Verfügung.